The Codevember 2020

This year was quite a mess with a lot of stuff that happened which led to a felt state of complete chaos. But as in every case: from chaos arises new order. While we had some trouble with the economy and the health systems and a lot of challenges to handle, the COVID-19 pandemic also triggered a lot of changes in social and political aspects: A lot of conservative pattern and habits were questioned and partly dissolved. We had the chance to experience change in places where we didn’t expect it and (sadly) also to wait for the change which never happened.

Nevertheless, one of the biggest changes in the everyday life was the more and more growing remote and digital part in our lives. While programming jobs often offered the remote option in the past, it became the new standard. Also a lot of “office work” jobs were switched to remote jobs when possible. Besides work, also the personal parts and lives were influenced deeply: Social and cultural events are done hybridlike or completely over the internet connection, workshops and events are also often placed digitally.

To get back to the topic: we’ve all been overwhelmed by this years events. May it be by the dramatic health situations, the big and intense changes for the everyday life and the social and political outcomes. We are all looking forward to a more everyday life where we can meetup in person, spend some quality time together and just enjoy life instead of thinking if we should hug or rather just stay with the fist bump. This was also the plan for the annual Codevember: We wanted to rent a small cabin, enjoy the time and create some awesome projects for you. However, we had to cancel everything in person and create a hybrid event for the Codevember itself.

The Remote Codevember 2020

The event will be completely remote, so you can also join for only a part of the schedule if you like. We’ll organize ourselves through our Discord channel. Our temporary time schedule for the Codevember event 2020 from 05.11.2020 until the 08.11.2020:

10:00Short get together &
GameJam Start
11:00Intermediate Presentation (5min each)Final presentation
19:00Onboarding & Idea PitchIntermediate Presentation (5min each)Intermediate Presentation (5min each)

For further questions you can get in touch with us via


  • Mat Schlenker

    Hi, I'm mat! A passionate software developer that loves the tiny details and a perfect working flow (or flowing work). My main topics are app development, web development and games. I have a passion for creating games in Unity, the outdoors, taking photos as well as playing around with some creative stuff.