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Hackathon turns Eduthon | CV-supported Event 2024

Codevember e.V. is teaming up with the Institute of Computer Science at the Ludwigsburg University of Education for a Eduthon event on June 14th-16th. This collaborative event is all about hacking, gaming, and learning. Whether you’re into coding, game development, or just passionate about education technology, this event has something for everyone.

An Eduthon is a marathon event where educators, developers, and students come together to create innovative educational technologies. It’s a blend of hackathon and educational contents, focusing on developing creative solutions for the future of classrooms.

This year’s Eduthon theme is “Game-Based Learning.” It’s all about exploring how games can revolutionize education by making learning fun and engaging. However, participants can work on any projects they want.

We as Codevember e.V. bring experience in organizing such events and mentoring participants. Our team is ready to support both new and experienced participants with hands-on approach, mentorship sessions, and technical guidance.

For more details and conditions of participation, check out the Eduthon page.

Codevember X: Hardware, Creativity and Music

Our 10th Codevember hackathon has arrived and it was a blast! The event was again hosted by the incredible AI Xpress in Boeblingen (https://aixpress.io/), supporting us with drinks, techs, their makerspace and tools we needed for a successful hackathon.

After kicking off the event on Thursday evening with pitching our ideas and projects to our peers, we started onsite at the AI Xpress on Friday morning. With at least 5 different projects in mind, we started scouting, preparing and brainstorming right away. Some of the project included …

  • a DIY approach and implementation for a cat surveillance system at home
  • a 2023 escape-game advent calender
  • a third-person shooter with gravity and time manipulation, written in Unity
  • a RaspberryPi-based music sample looper
  • Telegram bot maintenance and improvment (again)
  • manual development of analog pictures

On Saturday we held our annual general meeting for Codevember e.V. and afterwards presented the progress of our projects. As always we had a great time catching up and talking about life, work, different projects and new interests.

We owe a huge thank you to AI Xpress for sponsoring the event and providing the perfect location for Codevember X 2023. Go check out their events at https://aixpress.io/events.

Codevember IX: A Weekend of Innovation, Creativity and Fun

This year’s Codevember IX hackathon was an unforgettable experience! The event was hosted by AI Xpress in Boeblingen, the location is simply awesome for tech enthusiasts.

Our Codevember IX weekend was running from Friday until Sunday. We were thrilled to meet old study colleagues from around Germany and even the Czech Republic. This year’s event was a bit special, since we had our first non-digital project by pitching a self-made board game. Other projects focused on creating a 2D game in Unity, 3D modeling and printing analog gaming figures, and further developing our daily used Telegram bot written in Python. Overall it was great to reconnect with friends, and have a fantastic time building and developing together.

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Paraspace: Interaction on a new Level

Paraspace is an easily deployable, open-source framework that allows highly interactive installations and performances for e.g. artists and companies.

What’s Paraspace?

Paraspace is a framework which, once deployed, can be used as a tool to provide a broad set of interactions between an artist or installation and visitors. Basically, it’s a server that provides an interface to configure various views for providing information without reloading. In addition, interaction modules such as slider or trigger-buttons are possible which can be linked with a specified output source on the performer side (MIDI, OSC or logging). The whole system is very modular and can easily be adjusted and extended according to your needs.

Well, this is still quite abstract, isn’t it? Let’s dive deeper into some examples.

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I always forget my Keyboard Shortcuts

Vim, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Windows Powertools – I’m daily using a bunch of feature rich software. And everyone who once used Vim (or Emacs) knows there sometimes is no way around keyboard shortcuts! Or is there? In this post I like to show off a personal project, my very own macropad. In the projects section you’ll find an in depth look at the macro pad as well as all designs and source code.

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Step up your game – Upgrade from C to C++

When writing complex programs in C, one will be confronted with the topic of code redundancy and accessibility control issues. C++ was first introduced in 1983, called “C with classes”, and solves a bunch of hurdles stumpling upon programming in C.

The advantages of object-oriented programming languages

Defining complex data structures in C remembers of defining records in a functional programming language. When defining methods over several similar structures, the code redundancy gets clear – every struct needs its own implementation. For all functions or calls.

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Recipe: How To Translate A Recursive Function Into An Implicite One

In order to determine the runtime of a recursive function, it is helpful to translate this function into an implicite one. This blog post illustrates a straight-forward approach, intuitively – with exactly 5 steps on a small example. This approach is also applicable for almost every recursive function.

Why Tho?

The reason to resolve a recursive function lies in the analysis and application. When interested in runtime analysis, the implicite function will serve as a guidance for the total runtime of the recursive function. When interested in application, the implicite function will have the same

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An (in-)formal Introduction To Attack Defense Trees

It is widely known that the security of a system seen as property is not static. Therefore, there cannot exist a general algorithm deciding whether or not a given system is secure in its sense. IT-Security Architects and Engineers are stuck with persistent research of bug reports of the technology the respective enterprise is using. In the industry, IT security is one use case of many others. The types of systems to examine vary depending on context. For instance, the construction of a museum is considered as a system and it is of interest to guarantee that the objects, stored in this kind of facility, are considered safe and sound. In consequence, it is urgent to establish a formal model for system description and security evaluation. There are various challenges to overcome, for instance:

  • What are the best defensive measures to invest in?
  • How can it be decided whether a defensive measure from the past is still necessary?
  • How can newly discovered attacks be efficiently documented?
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Finish **it! Jam // January 2021

Everybody knows it: You’re starting a game or project in your spare time or in a game jam and then the time runs out or the jam finishes, but the project doesn’t. Nevertheless, the project keeps popping up in your head every now and then… Now is the time to grab out one of your old projects and push it at least to an alpha or beta prototype!

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