How it all began
This is what this idea was all about: In Tübingen, a small university town in the south of Germany, a few people and friends were blocking one weekend for a project which was beyond the everyday coding and studying routine and activities.
Our Story
We all have been passionate programmers or, if not, have been passionate about something else. Sadly, often in life the daily routine and the things you like don’t allow the freedom to free your mind and play around with them – or they don’t go hand in hand at all. With this in mind, we tried to start the Codevember project. In the beginning of 2014 it was only one day – blocked for a project we would love to do and we’ve been passionate about. We soon realized that one day wasn’t enough at all to find a idea, choose a coding environment and frameworks, set them up and finish the project. However, we’ve learned a lot and decided to catch up every year in November from then. The Codevember rose and quickly became a mixture between an annual reunion and a playground for ideas and coding skills.
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