Our Blog

Codevember X: Hardware, Creativity and Music

Our 10th Codevember hackathon has arrived and it was a blast! The event was again hosted by the incredible AI Xpress in Boeblingen (https://aixpress.io/), supporting us with drinks, techs, their makerspace and tools we needed for a successful hackathon.

After kicking off the event on Thursday evening with pitching our ideas and projects to our peers, we started onsite at the AI Xpress on Friday morning. With at least 5 different projects in mind, we started scouting, preparing and brainstorming right away. Some of the project included …

  • a DIY approach and implementation for a cat surveillance system at home
  • a 2023 escape-game advent calender
  • a third-person shooter with gravity and time manipulation, written in Unity
  • a RaspberryPi-based music sample looper
  • Telegram bot maintenance and improvment (again)
  • manual development of analog pictures

On Saturday we held our annual general meeting for Codevember e.V. and afterwards presented the progress of our projects. As always we had a great time catching up and talking about life, work, different projects and new interests.

We owe a huge thank you to AI Xpress for sponsoring the event and providing the perfect location for Codevember X 2023. Go check out their events at https://aixpress.io/events.

Codevember IX: A Weekend of Innovation, Creativity and Fun

This year’s Codevember IX hackathon was an unforgettable experience! The event was hosted by AI Xpress in Boeblingen, the location is simply awesome for tech enthusiasts.

Our Codevember IX weekend was running from Friday until Sunday. We were thrilled to meet old study colleagues from around Germany and even the Czech Republic. This year’s event was a bit special, since we had our first non-digital project by pitching a self-made board game. Other projects focused on creating a 2D game in Unity, 3D modeling and printing analog gaming figures, and further developing our daily used Telegram bot written in Python. Overall it was great to reconnect with friends, and have a fantastic time building and developing together.

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